Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Los Angeles and San Fransisco

San Francisco, CA 
We rolled into SF pretty early today. Colin and I took a little walk in the area to find a Starbucks…he’s always down to go find coffee in the early AM. I love this city…sooo excited to be here. Shortly after we arrived I realized that I couldn’t really load in until later in the afternoon so I had a girlfriend pick me up and we went to Golden Gate Park to see the Vivienne Westwood exhibit at the de Young museum.  She is one of my biggest inspirations in the fashion industry so this was an incredible visit for me!  When I got back to Slims, I set up my goods and realized that there was hardly room for any of my stuff so I kept it pretty minimal tonight.  We had to do the Circa signing after the show so I went outside and hooked 50 kids up with wristbands so they could meet all of the guys in person. The show was good tonight! I actually got to see most of show again tonight except for the very end.  After the show load out went super smooth, then we just chilled on the bus and watched movies until bus call at 4am.

Los Angeles, CA 

We arrived tat the Avalon a little after noon and again, there were kids lined up and ready for a packed, sold out show!  I was outside throwing up some posters and girls surrounded me with about 5 billion of the same questions…mostly consisting of  “where’s Jack? Is he coming out here?” and then they all got a glimpse of Shaant trying to sneak in the back entrance for sound check and ran to  surround him for a little photo sesh.  The LA show’s are always the craziest in the sense that it’s one of the main dates that all of the industry people are out and ready to be impressed.  The venue was awesome…tons of character and packed with kids. I was lucky enough to have an amazing view from right behind the sound board. Every band sounded awesome and on point. After Circa’s set Colin came out in the main lobby area to be surrounded by fans waiting for a photo opp and hugs. Shortly after Anthony stopped by my table to say hi and see what we were going to get up to after the show.  Following him was about 20 girls waiting for their chance to meet him and get an autograph. As soon as the word was out that Anthony was out in the lobby, about 30 more kids came over to meet him.  He was pretty much posted up until after the show ended and security kicked everyone out. I was psyched tonight because there were several of my friends in the area that came to the show and snagged me up after and took me to a party in Silver Lake. All of the Silverstein guys were in town and heaps of other friends from Warped 06’ were in the house which made for a nice and unexpected reunion. Anthony ended up cruising to the party for a short time as well but dipped out pretty early.  I actually got back to the bus pretty early as well. SF is tomorrow, so I passed on and made it a night.

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