Friday, November 28, 2008

take a stroll

So yesterday was Thanksgiving & I spent it with my friend Lisa. The first time in 7 years that I have not cooked. Lisa's brother is an amazing chef from Italy, so I was thankful to be able to joing her family for dinner. After dinner played games and then we took off at 12:30am to go to the woodbury commons to add to the chaos of the begining of black friday. Holy crap. I have never done that before....people are crazy...and we fit right in. I was stoked, Aldo was having a 50% off sale and I love Aldo. I bought this as a little x-mas gift to myself...

We didn't get home from shopping until 8am. We are crazy. I have been so tired all day.
I went out to for sushi tonight and it was amazing.... & tonight, Lycia got home from tour.

I love this.
so pretty.
holy crap.

don't you just want to hop in a car and drive down this road as far as it will take you....hoping that it lasts for as long as possible.


I read today that there was a company in Chicago that gave all of their 230 employees holiday bonuses of $10K to $35K. holy smokes. i like.


um, yes. I want this too.

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